Kirsten Murray, Ph.D., LPC
This session introduces 10 basic counseling skills that strengthen the therapeutic alliance and address complex dynamics that include: resistance, impasse, grief and loss, and encounters with “isms.” Participants will understand the efficacy of a strong therapeutic relationship and the counseling skills necessary to establish an effective presence with clients, patients, and their families.
Participants will be able to: 1) Understand the efficacy of the therapeutic relationship. 2) Identify 10 core counseling skills, including: empathic response, paraphrasing, feeling reflections, immediacy, encouragement, active listening, genuine and congruent presence, respect for the client/patient, open questions, and broaching. 3) Apply the 10 core counseling skills to assist in complex cases (addressing resistance, grief and loss, “isms,” and impasse).
Time Ordered Agenda
10 minutes – Introduction
20 minutes – Overview of the therapeutic alliance.
90 minutes – Introduce and demonstrate 10 core counseling skills.
50 minutes – Apply counseling skills to case studies and role plays.
10 minutes – Summary, Conclusion, and Questions
Kirsten Murray, Ph.D., LPC is Professor and Chair of the Department of Counseling at the University of Montana. Kirsten has 19 years of counseling experience specializing in work with couples and families. As a counselor, she has treated individuals with acquired and developmental disabilities and their family caregivers. Her areas of academic interest include counselor preparation, supervision, and social justice issues in counseling. She is the recent author of the book Strong Couples: Basic Skills that Elicit Connection and Transform Relationships.
Disclosures: Dr. Murray is receiving an honorarium from the Montana Speech Language Hearing Association for this presentation, and is receiving a salary from the University of Montana. She has no non-financial relationships to report.
These sessions will be recorded and made available for asynchronous participation on August 14-24. To register for the recorded sessions
The live webinar on Cultural Responsiveness & Counseling Skills for Transformational Practice will be recorded and available for viewing for 10 days (August 14-24). Registrants will need to complete viewing of the recorded webinar during this time and submit a self-study assessment by August 24, 2021 to receive CEU credit. A link to the recording and the assessment will emailed to registrants on August 14.